No Will vs Free Will
The world is full of misery
to an ignorant man
and full of bliss to a wise man.
The world is dark
to a blind man
and bright to one
who has eyes
-Yoga Vasistha
This yogic text is a discourse of the sage Vasistha speaking to Prince Rama.
Rama is frustrated with the nature of life & human suffering and feels great disdain for the world. Through his desire for liberation he is led to a spiritual life, one that requires self-effort.
Vasistha emphasizes the use of free will and human creative power. Through the power of meditation Rama becomes enlightened and blissful.
The Yoga Vasistha is a non dual text that reminds you that beyond duality there is only a Self. You are the one who chooses your experience.
Duality means that we have a free will and we also don’t. You tune into which experience you wish to perceive and create.